Iris 7.5 ml


SKU: Flower Essence Service-1638560790 Category: Brand:


Patterns of imbalance: Lacking inspiration or creativity; feeling weighed down by the ordinariness of the world; dullness.

It is the souls mission to build a rainbow bridge between spirit and matter. The pure light of the spirit needs to be ensouled, or colored with feeling. The rich darkness of matter needs to become luminous and filled with inner meaning. This is the path of the artist, and it is really true that every soul should express itself as an artist. As the physical body needs air to breathe, so does the soul need inspiration in order to live. As the physical body circulates blood in order to nourish itself, so does the soul live through the streaming and weaving of radiant color. Many modern individuals lack soul vitality; a gray pallor stifles them, they suffocate in the mundane and mechanical. Iris is a fundamental remedy for restoring and revitalizing the soul. –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz

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Weight 0.0 oz


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Iris 7.5 ml
