Easter Lily 7.5 ml


SKU: Flower Essence Service-1638560707 Category: Brand:


Patterns of imbalance: Feeling that sexuality is impure, unclean; inner conflicts about sexuality.

The white lily has long been a symbol of purity, as well as sexuality and child-bearing. It is extremely challenging for the soul to integrate the sexual life with the spiritual life. For good reason, many spiritual paths require celibacy as a condition of spiritual development. It is possible, however, for modern souls to reconcile these seeming polarities; in fact, new and important soul capacities will emerge as a result. Easter Lily is an important remedy to help those individuals who feel a great inner tension between their sexuality and spirituality. –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz

Easter Lily 7.5 ml
