Agrimony Leaf, Organic


SKU: Manufacturer [na]-1638559428 Category: Brand:


Priced per ounce. The combination of astringency and of bitter tonic properties makes Agrimony a valuable remedy, particularly when an astringent action on the digestive system is needed, as its tonic action is due to the bitter stimulation of digestive and liver secretions. It is a specific in childhood diarrhorea. Its properties give it a role in the treatment of mucous colitis. Agrimony is the herb of choice in appendicitis. It may be used in indigestion. There is a long tradition of its use as a spring tonic. It may be used in urinary incontinence and cystitis. As a gargle it is beneficial in the relief of sore throats and laryngitis. As an ointment it will aid the healing of wounds and bruises.

The New Holistic Herbal, David Hoffmann pg.175

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Agrimony Leaf, Organic

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