Flower Essence Service

141 Products

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Estranged from ones inner authority, inability to integrate higher spiritual purpose with real life and work; nervous exhaustion, sexual depletion. Ladys Slipper helps the soul to incorporate its spirituality more completely into the body. It especially balances the relationship between the crown chakra and the lower energy […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Lack of confidence, expectation of failure, self-censorship.Larch helps those individuals who suffer from great self-doubt and poor self-esteem. The soul is lacking in confidence and thus projects failure, poor performance, or harsh judgment by others, far beyond the objective situation. –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Leadership distorted by self-aggrandizement or burdensome dutifulness. At many stages of its evolution, the soul assumes leadership responsibilities, in both large and small circles of influence. Unfortunately, leadership tasks are often assumed for the wrong reasons, and the soul either becomes weighted with burdensome duty, or inflated […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Nervousness, overstimulation of spiritual forces which depletes the physical body.The Lavender flower helps those souls who are highly absorbent of spiritual influences. They tend to be very awake and quite mentally active, with a strong attraction to spiritual practices and various forms of meditation. However, they often […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Spiritual pride, inflated spirituality.The soul is meant to wear a crown of light, and quite literally bears a subtle energy center called the crown chakra. This chakra gives the soul its sense of dignity, and awareness of its own regal or divine nature. Although the crown of […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Intensification of pain and suffering due to isolation; profound melancholia due to the over-personalization of ones pain. The Love-Lies-Bleeding (Amaranthus) flower enables the sould to encounter and to transmute pain and suffering. Such pain is felt in an intense manner, either as mental anquish, deep-seated bodily torment, […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Becoming easily distracted, inability to concentrate, dull or listless.The healthy soul needs to learn to contract as well as expand–it must be able to narrow the consciousness, and limit the experience. One who can do this is able to focus and direct energy in a very clear […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Socially insecure, fear of reaching out to others; creating barriers.The soul flourishes through friendship and social exchange. Physical warmth is the basis of life, and likewise social warmth sustains the life of the human soul. Many individuals sufer from an inability to reach out to others. Often […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Alienated from mother or from mothering, feelings of childhood abandonment or abuse.The ability of the human soul to show nurturing and caring attention for others depends very much on whether it has received such nurturing itself. Each person should be able, as a divine birthright, to receive […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Extreme dependency and emotional regression, dulling the consciousness through drugs, alcohol, overeating; desire to escape from self-awareness.Milkweed is indicated for extreme states of soul dependency and regression, characterized by lack of an independent ego identity. Such a condition can develop for many reasons–an accident or other life […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Known fears of everyday life; shyness.Mimulus is one of the most basic remedies for fear. Those needing this essence are hypersensitive and live with a great many small fears of ordinary and everyday events. They are especially afflicted in the solar plexus, which churns with great anxiety […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Dull, toxic, or hung over, inability to fully enter the body, especially in the morning; addictive habits.The soul must constantly be on guard to align its astral body with its physical/etheric components. The astral (or star) body is naturally akin to the forces of night, and, if […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Absorbing negative thoughts of others, psychic contamination or possession. Hygiene is as important to the life of the soul as it is for the physical body. Mountain Pennyroyal particularly addresses an individuals mental field which may be devitalized due to psychic congestion from too many negative or […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Vacillation and withdrawal in the face of challenge; lack of assertiveness, inability to take a stand for ones convictions. In learning to distinguish good from evil, or truth from untruth, the soul is compelled to take a stand in the world. The ability to act on what […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Inability to harmonize psychic forces, tendency to hysteria or emotionality, overactive psychic life out of touch with the physical world.The soul is only half alive if it does not experience itself when asleep. The body may vegetate during sleep, but the soul has the capacity to awaken […]