Prickly Ash Bark, wildharvested, (bulk)


SKU: Manufacturer [na]-1638559267 Category: Brand:


Prickly Ash may be used in a way that is similar to Cayenne, although it is slower in action. It is used in many chronic problems such as rheumatism and skin diseases. Any sign of poor circulation calls for the use of this herb, such as chilblains, cramp in the legs, varicose veins and varicse ulcers. Due to its stimulating effect upon the lympohatic system, circulation and mucous membranes, it will have a role in the holistic treatment of many specific conditions. The New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffmann Pg. 225

Priced per ounce, but available by the pound. Select the weight before adding to cart.

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Prickly Ash Bark, wildharvested, (bulk)

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