Milkweed 7.5 ml


SKU: Flower Essence Service-1638560647 Category: Brand:


Patterns of imbalance: Extreme dependency and emotional regression, dulling the consciousness through drugs, alcohol, overeating; desire to escape from self-awareness.

Milkweed is indicated for extreme states of soul dependency and regression, characterized by lack of an independent ego identity. Such a condition can develop for many reasons–an accident or other life trauma which has made the individual overly dependent on family or institutionalized care; or gradual addiction to drugs, especially narcotics such as sedatives, opiates, and tranquilizers. Milkweed can sometimes be indicated for those on spiritual paths who deny the awake conscious ego function, or who believe that initiation can proceed only if the ego is annihilated. –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz

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Weight 0.0 oz


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Milkweed 7.5 ml
