Indian Paintbrush 7.5 ml


SKU: Flower Essence Service-1638560802 Category: Brand:


Patterns of imbalance: Low vitality and exhaustion, difficulty rousing physical forces to sustain the intensity of creative work; inability to bring creative forces into physical expression.

When the soul is engaged in highly creative work, it must integrate itself with its physical vehicle in the right way. If the body does not stay grounded and energized during creative work, it will suffer from low vitality, exhaustion and other forms of physical illness. Many souls do not fulfill their true artistic and creative potential because they are unable to harness spiritual energy in the right way. This phenomenon is similar to an electrical current of energy which needs to be properly polarized and grounded. Indian Paintbrush is very specific for this level of imbalance. –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz

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Weight 0.0 oz


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Indian Paintbrush 7.5 ml
