Garlic Powder, organic (bulk)


SKU: Manufacturer [na]-1638558766 Category: Brand:


Garlic is among the few herbs that have universal usage and recognition. Its daily usage aids and supports the body in ways that no other herb does. It is one of the most effective anti-microbial plants available, acting on bacteria, viruses and alimentary parasites. The volatile oil is an effective agent and as it is largely excreted via the lungs, it is used in infections of this system such as chronic bronchitis, repiratory catarrh, recurrent colds, and influenza. It may be helpful in the treatment of whooping cough and as part of a broader approach to bronchitic asthma. In general it may be used as a preventative for most infectious conditions, digestive as well as respiratory. For the digestive tract it has been found that Garlic will support the development of the natural bacterial flora whilst killing pathogenic organisms. In addition to these amazing properties it will reduce blood pressure when taken over a period of time as well as reducing blood cholesterol levels. Garlic should be thought of as a basic food that will augment the bodys health and protect it in general. It has been used externally for the treatment of ringworm and threadworm. The New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffmann Pg. 202

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Garlic Powder, organic (bulk)

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