Deer Brush 7.5 ml


SKU: Flower Essence Service-1638560807 Category: Brand:


Patterns of imbalance: Mixed or conflicting motives; subconscious feelings which propel outer actions.

It is essential that the soul acquire inner truthfulness, acting with clear intention and nobility of purpose. Deception and illusion are great stumbing blocks along the path of soul initiation. Self-observation demands constant inner scrutiny by the personality, in order to align inner motive with outer deed. As much as we may be wary of others who deceive us, it is far more often that we deceive ourselves by lack of honesty in our relationships with others and in the countless affairs of daily life. Deerbrush helps the soul to attain purity; not the purity which is associated with a set of moral dictates, but consonance of mind and heart with motive and deed. –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz

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Weight 0.0 oz


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Deer Brush 7.5 ml
