Cleavers, wildharvested (bulk)


SKU: Manufacturer [na]-1638558524 Category: Brand:


Cleavers is a very vaulable plant and is perhaps the best tonic to the lymphatic system available. As a lymphatic tonic with alterative and diuretic actions it may be used in a wide range of problems where the lymphatic system is involved. Thus it would be used in swollen glands (lymphadenitis) anywhere in the body and especially in tonsillitis and in adenoid trouble. It is widely used in skin conditions, especially in the dry varieties such as psoriasis. It will be useful in the treatment of cystitis and other urinary conditions where there is pain and may be combined with demulcents for this. There is a long tradition for the use of Cleavers in the treatment of ulcers and tumours, which may be the result of the lymphatic drainage. Cleavers makes an excellent vegetable. The New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffmann Pg. 191

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Cleavers, wildharvested (bulk)

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