Blue Cohosh Root (bulk)


SKU: Manufacturer [na]-1638558303 Category: Brand:


Blue Cohosh is a plant that comes to us from the North American Indians, which shows in its other names of Squaw Root and Papoose Root. It is an excellent uterine tonic that may be used in any situation where there is a weakness or loss of tone. It may be used at any time during pregnancy if there is a threat of miscarriage. Similarly, because of its anti-spasmodic action it will ease false labour pains. However, when labour does ensue, the use of Blue Cohosh just before birth will help ensure an easy delivery, In all these cases it is a safe herb to use. As an emmenagogue it can be used to bring on a delayed or suppressed menstruation whilst ensuring that the pain that sometimes accompanies it is relieved. Blue Cohosh may be used in cases where an anti-spasmodic is needed such as colic, asthma or nervous coughs. It has a reputation of easing rheumatic pain. The New Holistic Herbal, by David Hoffmann Pg. 183

Priced per ounce, but available by the pound. Select the weight before adding to cart.

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Blue Cohosh Root (bulk)

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