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141 Products
Patterns of imbalance: Domineering, tyrannical, forcing ones will on others. The Vine personality possesses a strong will, with considerable power and force for leadership and organizational tasks. However, when these will forces are not aligned with the true Higher Self, they become selfish instead of selfless. The Vine soul type […]
Patterns of imbalance: Profound shyness, reserve, aloofness, fear of being submerged in groups.The soul forces of the Violet type are highly refined, full of exquisite yet delicate sweetness. Such persons long to share themselves with others, but usually hold back due to a feeling of fragility in group situations, and […]
Patterns of imbalance: Overly influenced by the beliefs and values of family or community, or by past experiences.The human soul is akin to the plant in its patterns of growth. It grows slowly, almost imperceptibly from day to day, but therre are moments when it makes radical, metamorphic changes, moving […]
Patterns of imbalance: Aloof, withdrawn, disdainful of social relationships.The Water Violet personality is generally very quiet and self-contained, with soul qualities of gracefulness and equanimity. Their sedate, calm manner enables them to handle many different occupational and life situations in a very capable manner. However, it is difficult to know […]
Patterns of imbalance: Worrisome, repetitive thoughts, chattering mind.White Chestnut flower essence is indicated for those who suffer from extreme mental agitation. Their thinking life is not free, but is highly compulsive and obsessive. The life energy is drained through excessive worry and anxiety, which is not directed outward toward others […]
Patterns of imbalance: Confusion and indecision about life direction; trying many activities but chronically dissatisfied, lack of commitment or focus. Soul health and happiness are very much dependent on the ability to realize ones true life purpose and vocation. If the soul does not have the opportunity to evolve and […]
Patterns of imbalance: Resignation, lack of hope, giving up on life; lingering illness. The Wild Rose essence first developed by Dr. Bach addresses broad and important soul themes of motivation and interest in the world and in others. In this way, it is similar to the California Wild Rose. However, […]
Patterns of imbalance: Feeling resentful, inflexible or bitter; feeling that life is unfair or that one is a victim.If the physical body does not keep flexible, it becomes stiff and contracted. The good health of the soul also depends on its ability to be yielding, flowing, and for-giving. The Willow […]
Patterns of imbalance: Extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment easily depleted, overly absorbent of negative influenes, psychic toxicity.As the soul becomes more spiritually open, it necessarily becomes more refined, sensitive, and absorbent. In the past, many of those on spiritual paths were removed and protected from the daily […]
Patterns of imbalance: Disturbance of life-force and vitality by noxious radiation, pollution, or other geopathic stress; residual effects of past exposure.The very existence of our planet and the human species is threatened by the awesome and destructive force of nuclear weaponry and the extreme toxicity of nuclear waste. Nuclear energy […]
Patterns of imbalance: Insensitivity to the sufferings of others; lack of awareness of the consequences of ones actions on others. Yellow Star Tulip refines the soul life by developing ones capacity for receptive and insightful social presence. It does not work inwardly on the Self as much as it helps […]
Patterns of imbalance: Constricted feelings, particularly in the chest; internalized grief and melancholy, deeply repressed emotions.Yerba Santa addresses the inner sanctity of the human soul. There is within every human heart an inviolable space which must be kept open and free; the Self breathes its soul essence in and out […]
Patterns of imbalance: Overseriousness, dullness, heaviness, lack of humor; overly somber sense of Self, repressed inner child. Humor is uniquely human. Other forms of life certainly experience joy and delight, but humor requires the ability to step outside oneself, and not take oneself so seriously. It is the human being, […]