Flower Essence Service

141 Products

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Inability to take inner responsibility for ones healing, lacking in spiritual motivation for wellness, overly dependent on external help. Self-Heal flowere essence is one of the most fundamental and broadly applicable remedies for true soul healing and balance. Its very name is exquisitely evocative of its profound […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Over-intellectualization of reality, especially seeing information as bits and pieces rather than parts of a whole.The thinking part of the soul functions by dividing phenomena into smaller, more easily understood components. However, if the analytical aspect of the mind holds too great a sway, the consciousness can […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Profound feeling of alienation, especially not feeling at home on Earth, nor a part of the human family.Shooting Star is a very special remedy for those souls who hold back from full participation in earthly life. They may have waited for a long period of time before […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Verbal aggression and hostility; repressed or misdirected libido; tension around jaw.The positive Snapdragon type possesses strong physical presence. Such persons are highly energetic, with powerful wills and libidos. In some cases, these energies are so pronounced that they override the other chakras of the body. In other […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Schock or trauma, either recent or from a past experience; need for comfort and reassurance from the spiritual world.Star of Bethlehem is a deeply restorative remedy, with calm, soothing properties for people who have experienced shock or trauma. It is particularly helpful for individuals who have never […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Basing actions on a fear of lack, inability to give freely and openly, or to trust a higher providence.Star Thistle addresses the capacity for generosity and sharing in the human soul. It is particularly indicated for fear of lack, or the feeling that there is not enough. […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Feelings of being hardened or cut-off, inability to feel quiet inner presence or attunement, unable to meditate or pray.Star Tulip is an exquisite remedy for gently opening and expanding the life of the soul. It can be characterized as a listening remedy, helping the soul to become […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Repressed sexual feelings, or acting out inappropriate sexual behavior; inability to experience human warmth in sexual experiences; deep fear of sexuality and intimacy.Through human sexuality one can come in deepest contact with another human being. The strongest soul ecstasy is afforded through such communion, but also the […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Distorted sense of Self; inflation or self-effacement, low self-esteem or arrogance; poor relation to father or masculine aspect of Self.The healthy Self shines forth from the soul, not unlike the sun which shies in the sky. This benign and wondrous soul quality of radiance at once inspires […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Strong despair and anquish; experiencing the dark night of the soul.Sweet Chestnut heals the deepest form of soul anquish and despair–that which is often referred to as the dark night of the soul. The conditions which require Sweet Chestnut are extreme, and the individual is often i […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Wandering, seeking, inability to form bonds with social community or to find ones place on Earth. Many souls are like pilgrims, searching and seeking for their place on Earth. When this condition is overemphasized, the individual is lost in wanderlust, unable to form true social bonds of […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Lethargy, procrastination, inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine or subvert real intention of Self.Tansy flower essence addresses the consciousness of the Self in a very special way. Those who need this remedy exhibit a great deal of sluggish, lethargic energy; they are very often indecisive, […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Overly aggressive, competitive, hostile attitude; excessive yang forces, separatist tendencies.The positive healing of ourselves and the larger world depends very much on the ability to shift from competitive, aggressive models of behavior to those which are cooperative and inclusive. This transition of consciousness involves the internalization of […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Greed and lust for possessions and power; excessive ambition, overcome with personal needs and desires; materialism and congestion.Trillium flower essence is a very effective cleanser and balancer for the lowest human energy center, referred to as the survival (base) chakra. A person needing Trillium has a disproportionate […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Lack of vitality or soul force in expression; inability to be assertive or to speak clearly, impediments in speech.The capacity for human speech–to ensoul sound with thought and feeling–is one of the most extraordinary of human gifts. Yet for many souls, the ability to use the word […]

  • $9.50

    Patterns of imbalance: Overbearing or intolerant behavior; overenthusiasm or extreme fanaticism; nervous exhaustion from overstriving.Vervain soul types naturally possesses strong forces of passionate idealism. They give themselves fully and completely to the work or cause in which they believe. However, they can become so convinced of the rightness and urgency […]