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141 Products
Patterns of imbalance: Unfocused, disorganized communication; overexcited speech, overwhelmed by too many ideas.Cosmos helps those souls whose higher mental bodies are not properly integrated with the speaking and thinking fuctions of the nervous system. Such individuals often feel frustrated and overwhelmed as they attempt to convey the true inspiration of […]
Patterns of imbalance: Feeling unclean and impure, obsessed with imperfection.The apple has strong mythological associations with Paradise, and of being cast out of Paradise. Indeed, the personality needing Crab Apple has difficulty accepting the imperfections of the physical plane. –Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz
Patterns of imbalance: Overly tense, especially in the musculature of the body, overstriving and hard-driving.The soul needing Dandelion essence feels a natural intensity and love for life. Such individuals are compulsive doers who enter with great zeal and zest into many activities. Unfortunately, they can over-plan and over-form their lives […]
Patterns of imbalance: Mixed or conflicting motives; subconscious feelings which propel outer actions.It is essential that the soul acquire inner truthfulness, acting with clear intention and nobility of purpose. Deception and illusion are great stumbing blocks along the path of soul initiation. Self-observation demands constant inner scrutiny by the personality, […]
Patterns of imbalance: Overwhelm due to overstimulation, hypersensitivity to environment or to outer activity, sensory congestion.The cacophony of modern living conditions can stun, and even stifle, the sensory capacities of most persons. With the advent of the technological age, the soul is literally bombarded with countless sense impressions–what one sees, […]
Patterns of imbalance: Awkward and painful awareness of the body; emotional trauma stored deep within the body. When we say that a soul is full of grace, we are referring to a particular fullness and flexibility of the etheric body, the most immediate sheath which surrounds the physical body. If […]
Patterns of imbalance: Feeling that sexuality is impure, unclean; inner conflicts about sexuality.The white lily has long been a symbol of purity, as well as sexuality and child-bearing. It is extremely challenging for the soul to integrate the sexual life with the spiritual life. For good reason, many spiritual paths […]
Patterns of imbalance: Feeling shattered by severe trauma or abuse which has destroyed ones sense of Self; threatened by physical or emotional disintegration. One of the most important initations in the contemporary life of the soul is that of coming in right relationship to the Self, or spiritual ego. While […]
Patterns of imbalance: Overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities, feeling unequal to the task required. The healthy soul expresees itself by wanting to care for and serve others, but at times this positive altruistic impluse can be stymied. Becoming responsible requires that one rightly assesses ones ability to respond. Over-perfectionist or […]
Patterns of imbalance: Feeling rejected, unwanted; avoidance of commitment in relationships, fear of parenthood; sexual and emotional respression.The soul is most open, and receives its first impressions of life on Earth, while in utero or in very early infancy. At this time it is more of a moon-like being than […]
Patterns of imbalance: Immaturity, helplessness, neediness, childish dependency; unable to take responsibility.The early developmental process of childhood is critical for the human soul. When this is disturbed, many problems will manifest which inhibit full adult maturation. The soul who needs Fairy Lantern still clings to a childlike personality. –Taken from […]
Patterns of imbalance: Withdrawl, isolation, self-protection; overly delicate, lacking the inner strength to face the world.Souls in need of Fawn Lily have very highly developed forces of spirituality, so much so that it is difficult for them to cope with the stresses and strains of modern society. Such persons are […]
Patterns of imbalance: Disproportionate and obsessive worry; unable to gain a wider perspective on daily events. There are times when the soul loses its proper perspective, becoming entirely too enmeshed and overly concerned with the mundane affairs of daily life. Such persons spend a great deal of time and psychic […]
Patterns of imbalance: Panic, disorientation, loss of consciousness.A combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem. All-purpose emergency composite for effects of anguish, examinations, going to the dentist, etc… Comforting, calming and reassuring to those distressed by startling experiences. Our best-selling flower remedy!
Patterns of imbalance: Loneliness, isolation; lack of awareness of spiritual connection with others.Forget-Me-Not helps awaken the soul to this higher level of heart exchange. It is an important essence to consider following the intitial stage of grief after the death of a loved one, and can be very helpful for […]
Patterns of imbalance: False states of emotionality which cover more deeply-seated pain and trauma; psychosomatic symptoms.The soul can be trapped and hindered in its progress through suppression and denial of core emotions. The individual needing Fuchsia tends to mask true feelings with various states of hyper-emotionality or psychosomatic symptoms. Such […]